How’d you like to attend the School of Affluence? A savvy online course that promises to teach you how to rub shoulders with the rich, hobnob with the wealthy, and navigate the upper class. In this School of Affluence review, I’m spilling the tea on what’s inside the controversial teachings of Jetset Babe blogger Anna Bey’s “7-Step Formula To High-Society“.
If you’ve stumbled upon this article, it’s likely you already know who Anna Bey is and about her sensational online “level up” course featured in the School of Affluence named The 7-Step Formula To High-Society. If you don’t however know, let me fill you in.
Featured Image Via @schoolofaffluence
Who is Ana Bey? Anna Bey is a luxury lifestyle & etiquette Blogger for women. Bey is the founder of the women’s luxury lifestyle blog Jetset Babe in addition to the popular Youtube channel and online course of the same name — School of Affluence.
Anna Bey has been featured in publications such as This Morning with Phillip and Holly, a popular morning show in the UK, as well as The Daily Mail, and Cosmopolitan Magazine.
In addition to a great deal of media attention, Bey’s popularity continues to skyrocket despite (or due to) her controversial views surrounding hypergamy and Bey shamelessly encouraging women to “date up.”
What is the School of Affluence?
The School of Affluence is a unique online course that teaches women how to navigate successfully in the high net worth network of the elite upper-class community and create the lifestyle you desire.
“Don’t let your past hinder your future,” says Bey. School of Affluence will teach you how you can “transform” and create a luxurious lifestyle to run with the rich!
What’s in the School of Affluence curriculum?
From the School of Affluence website, you can see that the curriculum is quite robust. The School of Affluence curriculum includes several self-study modules in which Anna Bey promises to teach a “seven-step formula to enter the high-society”.
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So what are the seven steps? Here is the School of Affluence curriculum broken into a seven-step formula — which you can also find in detail over on Anna Beys School of Affluence online course website.
- Get to know the elite community & learn how to speak their language effortlessly and with confidence!
- Look like a woman of high-society: learn the secrets on how these women present themselves so elegantly.
- The importance of personal branding, your reputation and how to cleverly strategize for success in high-society!
- Master the art of social climbing! Learn how to make important connections with influential people & successfully expand your network!
- Meet a wealthy man & learn how to date rich men. Everything you must know about elite dating do’s & don’ts!
- Beginner strategies – Where to live? How to finance everything? Strategy for a low budget? How to start from scratch as a beginner?
- Intermediate & advanced strategies – How to get into the right circles? How to be great at social climbing? How to behave around rich men? How to make wealthy men sponsor your life?
The course curriculum also features bonuses such as the How To Be Classy ebook by Anna Bey and a private exclusive Facebook group community.
My Experience Inside School of Affluence Online Course
When Jetset Babe blogger Ana Bey announced she would be launching an online course promising to teach her students how to hobnob with the elite and rub shoulders with the wealthy, I was instantly intrigued. As a lifestyle and personal development blogger myself the ideas of learning how to glow up, self-improvement, transformation, and leveling up your lifestyle are right up my alley.
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Additionally, level up and snag a high caliber husband? It was as if Anna Bey had read my mind and unearthed my deepest desires. And there she was, claiming to have a roadmap of exactly how to reach this intriguing destination.
I signed up immediately.
What I liked about the online course.
Before we get to the School of Affluence review, let me preface by saying that I’m an OG subscriber of Jetsetbabe. I’ve followed Anna Bey long before her viral Youtube channel. From when she was the elusive author behind Jetsetbabe. Bey was more on the sidelines, as opposed to the more public figure she’s become. Choosing instead to highlight beautiful and inspirational Instagram influencers on her blog.
With that said here’s what I liked about the School of affluence.
- The instructor. I like Anna. She appears to be a genuine woman. Like a girl I’d befriend in real life. I like, as she calls it, the “traditional feminism” and true female empowerment that shes about. The course is a manifestation of Anna Bey’s values and authentic personality. I also like that the course is moderated by a lovely gal with whom I can relate.
- The layout of the curriculum. The curriculum and lessons are laid out in a very easy to follow and rational way. It’s organized and easy to consume.
- The course is straight forward. Much like in her popular Youtube Channel, Anna is not afraid to tell it like it is. Anna is also not shy to tell you she was bullied as a kid, or that she was an average plain Jane before her “transformation”. She’s also not shy to tell you to “fake it til you make it”. Her philosophy and approach are honest, real, and to the point.
- Personal insights. Anna includes personal stories and experiences inside of the curriculum. I like this because it doesn’t come off as if she’s preaching, but instead sharing how she approaches each topic.
- The Facebook Group. Anna Bey is also pretty active in the group of lovely elegant ladies to offer insights and answer questions at any time.
What I didn’t like about the course.
There are aspects of School of Affluence that I liked. But there were some things that I did not like as well.
- Some of the lessons feel a bit rushed. In addition to feeling rushed, some lessons are not as actionable as I would have liked. This, however, is with just a few of the lessons and not a representation of the course overall.
- Many insights taught in the course can be found easily and for a fraction of the nearly $300 price tag in tried and true dating and networking books such as How To Meet The Rich for Business, Friendship, or Romance by Jeanie Sayles and on Amazon or The Rich Will Marry Someone, Why Not You.
This, however, is the truth with most online courses. You can read much of the information in a book.
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What you won’t get in a book however in a more interactive delivery style and personal insights of the instructor on the topics.
Related Questions
Is there a discount code for the School of Affluence? There is no discount or coupon code for School of Affluence that I’m aware of at this time. Since the release of the School of Affluence review, however, Ana has released a new course called How To Look Expensive which is not as pricey as her current signature course. If one should become available, I will certainly update this post.
How much does the School of Affluence cost?
Anna Bey has a suite of online courses under the School of Affluence brand. The online courses are priced between $49-300.
Some personal insight from my experience inside the course.
Reflecting after this School of Affluence review, It’s important to realize that School of Affluence is not the end-all and be all to level up your life and become an elegant and high-value woman. To truly level up and truly transform there is SO much to consider and navigate. School of Affluence scratches the surface. It’s a good way to get your toes wet on the topic.
Many times what holds us back from becoming our best or achieving the lifestyle we desire is FAR deeper than leveling up our looks or snagging a rich man.
It’s absolutely crucial to do deep self-reflection, uncover your true life goals, recognize what may truly be holding you back, and address these things on a personal level. If you fail to do so, it’s easy to waste your life and energy chasing fairy tail that may not be for you, or that you didn’t want in the first place.
Understand that leveling up is different for everyone. I love the way this young lady discusses this point of view very eloquently on Youtube.
Conclusion — So Is the School of Affluence worth it?
More than anything, the School of Affluence expands your way of thinking about approaching dating and lifestyle and offers an interesting insight on how you might be able to navigate reaching your goals strategically.
So, is the School of Affluence online course worth it?
I think anything that gives you unique insight and broadens your worldview and way of thinking is worth considering. Spirituality, personal development books, TED Talks online courses, — an online class about leveling up your dating, lifestyle, and navigate the “elite world”? Maybe. Every woman is different and so I hope this School of Affluence review will help you make a decision on whether or not the course is right for you.
Overall, I really enjoyed reading this. Great review and thanks for the book recommendations. I’ll start with reading the books first then decide how to progress from there.
Thank you for this helpful article! I especially liked the part about self-reflection; I need to do that.
Being lady like and elegant has nothing to do with wealth. I really hope those courses haven’t left women with the impression that she should turn down a man who could be the love of her life, just because he can’t buy expensive things that will make her feel accepted by others. That mentality might be going out the window in this economy. Besides, money is the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10), and as Matthew 19:24 states, “And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”
Also, people should know that in School of Affluence’s video called, “HOW I STYLE MY HAIR (CASUAL LOOK)”, there’s a black book in the background by an “artist” named Marina Abramovic called “The Cleaner”. Marina’s “art” features things like piles of bloody body parts and a goat’s head. Type in a search engine, “Marina Abramovic art” or “Marina Abramovic blood”. Why would Anna feature a book from that author on her background shelf? Bey and Abramovic are both jewish surnames, so is it a shared cultural/spiritual background thing? Either way, not exactly “elegant” art. Any sane man, rich or not, who saw that featured in a woman’s home would run faster than you can say, “oy vey”.
I tell you what’s not classy. Your antisemitism. “Jewish surnames”, “oy vey”… childish, paranoid racism on your part. Your comment should be removed.
Thank you!!
And I agree!!
I do not read “Name’s” post as being anti-Semitic. What she does is call attention to the two last names and mention they are Jewish. I would not have done that. What I would have done differently is go into more detail about Marina Abramovic’s art. She is an occultist that uses all types of bodily fluid’s in her “performance” art. The fact that Marina has no qualms about spreading these fluids and solids all across white walls while “celebrating” her occultism is what should be news. I have studied Abramovic at length and she is a demonic and scary person. For more “scary” art, please look up John and Tony Podesta’s art work in their homes. It is quite disturbing. I am also surprised that Anna Bey would include this type of book in the background of a video. That alone would keep me from paying for this course. I imagine that Miss Bey perhaps doesn’t understand Abramovic and what she stands for. Also, like you, Claire, I cannot stand anti-Semitism, so I commend you for that. Unfortunately, anti-Semitism is on the rise all over the world. We must fight it all we can, so thank you for caring about that.
Claire I agree that comment is really out of order and should be deleted. It’s 2021 and anti-Semitism is not acceptable anywhere. Anna is a lovely woman and who cares what her religion is or even if she has one? There’s no point quoting the bible if you do it against someone who has done nothing to deserve such criticism. I say take the post down as you say and shame on the person that put it up!
I also agree…I may not like Anna Bey, but the comment is antisemitic.
Unfortunately there are so many other anti- ism out there besides anti- semitism, anti-vax, anti- Hungarian, anti- abortion, etc, it is sad that people try to see the world black and white.
Honestly, love is organic, and to build love you need to meet people. If you want a rich husband, you gotta meet rich men. She has never said in any of her material that love cant happen without money. Its about being smart with who you hang out with, as “you are the average of those you spend time with”. Its more of a you problem if you turn down the “love of your life”
As for that bible verse, it also says in the bible “1 Samuel 2:7 The Lord makes poor and makes rich; he brings low and he exalts” and “John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
It doesn’t come down to how rich or poor you are, it comes down to faith.
Great comments and I concur.
I have seen this reference to this black book in the background of Anna’s videos over and over again all over the internet. Some women are clearly internet stalking her just to spread rumors. It. Is. Just. A. BOOK.
My issue with most of these level up, self improvement gurus (including Anna Bey), is that they diminish their credibility by putting content out there that is full of typos, spelling and grammatical errors. If you can’t proofread yourself, take some of that affiliate money and hire an English teacher to proofread your posts. For example, it is “fairy tale”, not “fairy tail.” This is meant as constructive criticism, not hate. No one will take you seriously as “high value” if you don’t pay attention to these details in your posts.
You are probably not aware that ‘Anna Bey” is not her actual name.
She’s actually called Aija Raty, Swedish / Estonian and used to be a so-called ‘yacht-girl’, one of those pretty girls that are for hire, flown in as decoration of jet set parties, They might get lucky and hook a wealthy husband there… which is what happened to Anna.
Ok, Donna with the tea.. 🐸☕️
This is so incredibly misogynist. It hurts me when women do this to other women.
Her life and choices do not make her a lesser being or not worthy of respect. Nor do they make her words invalid or to be discarded.
Okay…i still don’t get it how do i join the course & which page will keep me updated about when the enrollment or the new classes are starting.. how do i pay since i live in a different country.. plus i couldn’t find Ms. Bey’s personnal email or her schools email which could tell me when the class will start.. i like her.. but please help me out..
Follow school of affluence on Instagram, if you’re not already. The old course is discontinued and the new course is seasonal, so enrolment is closed until further notice. I took the 7 step formula to high society course and I’m currently doing a brief summary of each module on my YouTube channel
I like Anna Bey’s videos but find the way that she’s trying to get rich by charging desperate women ridiculous prices tiresome, it’s just too much.
Recently I found another youtuber – Karine Alourde. To be honest, at first I found her videos too long and too chatty, Anna Bey is great at making videos short and to the point. But after a while I came to prefer Karine, she’s more lika a charming, interesting friend that you can talk to all day long. Something tells me Anna Bey doesn’t have many friends, she’s too obsessed with what she can get from people.
All the tips and tricks Anna is selling for a lot of money can be found for free, together with a nice and very active community, here:
Donna, can you be more specific? Exactly what kinds of tips will people find on that website?
Hi there Garth. Do you mind to describe what the blog looks like for you?
I’m rather appalled at this school of affluence… is it a woman’s only aspiration to marry a rich husband? Personally I encourage my daughters to educate themselves and be entrepreneurial so they can be rich in their own right, rather than rely on a man to do this for them, living in permanent fear of being ditched for a younger model.
One daughter is a linguist the other is studying maths and computer science.
I’m a CEO of a company and the best way to move in these circles is to be yourself , exude positivity , be kind and be interested in people. That works for all “classes “.
Come on this is 2022… this value system is not cool!