My Digital Vision Board Example with Affirmations, and Notes to Self

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My Digital Vision Board

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill

Example of a digital vision board made with Canva for Pinterest


  • I am easily improving my life and moving with ease from where I am, to where I want to be.

Favorite Quotes

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

Reminders & Notes to Self

Walk in your purpose, and stay the course. Waste no time, precious feminine energy nor life, chasing money or success. Walk in your purpose, stay the course, and the aforementioned will come. 

Progress, not perfection. Perfection is procrastination in disguise.

Live your best life now, and enjoy every step of the journey. Remember who you are. And don’t you dare forget it.

When you start to get off track, create and keep moving forward. You don’t have to see the destination ahead, you just need to know the direction. You know the direction, you even have a pretty good roadmap, now, just execute. One step at a time.

Commit to excellence. Do you want an extraordinary life, or not? Then suck it up, and JUST DO IT!

  • […] If you’d like, see an example of my digital vision board HERE. […]

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